Tea on the Tube: Downton Abbey is Back!

Downton Abbey is back! After a harrowing season finale last year (we won’t spoil it for anyone who’s still binge watching in an attempt to catch up), your favorite British import has returned to serve up more sitting room drama, class conflict and (most importantly of all) plenty of tea. Are you a diehard Downtonner? Here are three fun ways to celebrate the return of one of TV’s “soapiest” and addictive pleasures.

Put on a Pot of Finest Lady Grey

When it comes to finding the perfect tea to pair with your Downton experience, not just any brew will do. Have you met the lady of the house? Our Finest Lady Grey is regal enough to put the Dowager herself to shame. Looking to make your party a little livelier? Make sure you check out this recipe for an Earl Grey Infused Gin Cocktail.

Sip Along with the Downton Abbey (Tea) Drinking Game

Put on a pot of your favorite Tea Smith brew for you and your friends and see if you can keep up with this modified drinking game from Down the Hatch.

1. Someone mentions plans for lunch or dinner. Take a sip.

2. Anytime Lady Mary’s cold stare could melt the warmest of hearts, take two sips.

3. The Dowager Countess serves up some major sass with nothing but her disdainful expressions. Take three sips.

4. When someone struggles with “modern” technology, take a sip.

5. Sip whenever Thomas is clearly plotting something terrible. Double sip if Thomas swoons for a fella.

5. Sip whenever a bell rings.

6. Someone receives an alarming letter. Finish your cup!

7. Sip twice if Laura Linney asks you to make a donation to PBS.

8. A major character dies. Put on a fresh pot and commiserate.

9. Someone says something snooty about Americans. Take a sip.

10. A plot development makes you gasp out loud. Take two sips to calm yourself down.

Feel free to adjust the rules, and if you choose to play with a loose leaf tea cocktail, drink responsibly!

Get Schooled

Finally, all that clinking China, tea drinking and intrigue on Downton might just whet your appetite to become a true tea expert in 2014. Luckily, school is back in session with two upcoming installments of our Tea 101 series. Join us on January 18th and January 19th to steep yourself in knowledge about the culture and history of tea while you try out some of our finest brews.

Are you excited about the return of Downton? What Tea Smith blend do you love to unwind with while you watch your favorite shows? Share your ideas in the comments below.

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