Tea and Training

If you watched the Olympics recently, you may have found yourself dreaming of competing in the games yourself. Maybe it’s a long shot, but all the same, it’s time to start training.Tea Tumbler

But not before having a good cup of tea.  Even if you are not a super athlete, studies show that tea may be a helpful when combined with your workout routine. 

The caffeine in tea is said to boost performances and reduce perceived exertion. Tea has also proven beneficial in delaying fatigue in prolonged exercise (such as cross-country skiing, or marathon running if summer sports are more your thing). Another benefit of consuming tea (especially green tea) after a workout is that it is said to reduce damage to muscle tissue.

Still sitting with your cup of tea? Try adding a splash of milk, or having a handful of cherries and whole grain biscuits on the side. These too are essential foods for a balanced diet and that will help boost an athletes performance. 

Motivated enough to start your workout? Well, athlete motivation is not what we do best. But helping you find a cup of tea that suits your palate – that’s where we can help.

To read more about foods that fuel athletes, visit http://running.competitor.com/2013/08/photos/photos-10-essential-foods-for-runners_11329


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