Summertime Tea Habits

It is a fact that about 80% of the tea consumed in the US is iced.  We see the trend in the stores as the consumption of cold drinks inreases, and the purchase of loose tea focuses on those that do well on ice. 

In spite of the fact that other cultures avoid iced teas, I notice that I will drink more flavored teas during the summer as well.  (Summer Companion and Tropical Paradise Rooibos come to mind.) 

It is really interesting to see that different flavor components come out when a beverage is served cold rather than hot.  So today as it warmed up I grabbed a Blacksmith Blend which is one of my favorite everyday drinkers.  The blend has enough strength to satisfy, and yet stay smooth.

Many consmuers have resigned themselves to most iced teas tasting rather flat and indistinguishable, so it is a lot of fun to introduce new customers to teas that have more taste than they have come to expect from bags left in the sun to brew.

All this reminds me that I will be in big trouble if I don’t remember to bring some tea home for the weekend!




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