Drinking On The Job

When a new team member joins our company we always emphasize the importance we place on one of their duties; drinking on the job. It usually gets a smile since this is not something one is normally told at a new company.

But it is serious to us.   In order to do a good job helping our customers select teas and tisanes one must be able to explain the flavors of each selection.  This is no small task, as we usually have 100-110 selections at any given time.  They also change by season, and when the new crops come in.  I also explain that there are two things on whuch they can count;  The teas we carry will all be of good quality, and they will not like some of the flavors they encounter.  The key is to be able to explain the tastes and why they are of great quality.

 Naturally I also spend a decent amount of time each week sampling new offerings.  When asked if I get tired of this, I also just smile.  Even after half a decade doing this, I still feel a little like I am just relaxing, not really working.  After all, sitting around sipping on some of the finest beverages in the world is not a bad way to spend part of your work day.

I guess there are some real perqs in this business after all!

It’s a Big World…Drink It Up!

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