What Does Your Teapot Say About You?

You can tell a lot about a person from the tea they choose to drink”but what about their teapot? In this blog post we speculate on what different teapot design/shapes (featured on our very own online shop) might say about your personality!

Bee House Kabuki Teapot 16 ounce
 Bee House Kabuki Teapot 16 ounceSometimes, it’s hip to be square and the Bee House Kabuki Teapot is proof of that. Minimal and sleek, both short and stout, this streamlined design says urban with its no-frills approach. You’re probably stylish and not afraid to show it. Especially in bright red, it’s a bold, quirky statement piece.

Children’s Pinstripe Tea Set
Children's Pinstripe Tea SetIf you’ve ever looked around the table only to discover that your tea party guests look like the cast of Toy Story 3, this is the set for you. With an emphasis on pastel colors, decorative patterns and floral flourishes, this set evokes a classic sense of sophistication perfect for an afternoon entertaining stuffed and invisible friends. If you’re still practicing the whole ‘keep-your-pinky-out-while-you-drink’ bit, you’ve found your set!

Gourd Tetsubin Teapot
Gourd Tetsubin TeapotThis is a great teapot for someone who wants something truly unique, but also restrained. The interesting shape and texture add enough flair without being too over-the-top. Its rustic style and earthy clay color say “dependable” and “sturdy.”

Yi Xing Mother’s Lover Teapot
Yi Xing Mother's Lover TeapotWhoever said tea service had to be boring? This teapot is an inspired choice for someone who is a true individual with eclectic taste. It’s a great piece for a traveler who enjoys styles from around the world and has a keen interest in learning about a variety cultures.

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