Rooibos, Red Tea, and Sports Drinks

One of our store fronts is situated near a running/biking trail so I see a lot of athletic people on a day-to-day basis. These customers come in a little sweaty and a lot thirsty.  This is a crowd that I circle in and out of in my attempts to get and stay in shape.

Last year about this time, I started training for a marathon. With little knowledge about how to go about this and a flippant attitude about the importance of stretching before and after a workout, I jumped into training.

I completed the half-marathon, but not without a lot of pain.

Humbled by the 13 or so miles, and better informed, this year I’m giving it another try.

Rooibos or what some call Red Tea is my reccomendation and drink of choice. It is so much more than a thirst-quencher. 

The health claims of this red bush grown in South Africa are pretty incredible – polyphenols and antioxidants to slow down the aging process; calcium, manganese and flouride to strengthen bones and teeth; alpha hydroxy acid and zinc for healthy skin; again, more manganese for a healthy nervous system; and a component that helps the body absorb iron; finally, it contains supple amounts of potassium and copper minerals that aid metabolism.  Among all of these claims, the minerals found in rooibos contribute to the restoration of the body after strenuous excercise. Sounds like a great post-workout brew. I’m willing to give it a try.

Race day doesn’t fall until the end of September, so I’ve got plenty of time to get back in shape and start my experiment proving the incredible benefits of this herbal brew.  But we haven’t even started talking about flavor!  Chocolate Mint, Tropical Paradise, Green Flower, Orange Blossom, and Lemon Chiffon are just a few names to tempt your palette.

So far, I’m up to five miles a few times a week, drinking a lot of rooibos and feeling pretty good.  I can fit right in with that athletic crowd again.

I will keep you posted 😉


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