Pu-erh: Working Backwards

Pronounced poo-air, this category of teas has a few preconceived notions to overcome for those who are new to the world of tea. I don’t want to taint your opinion, but when I introduce this tea to a customer, I like to give it a little bit of an introduction.

When described as the aged, compacted and fermented tea that it is, the effect produced is a raised eyebrow or two. Honestly, I can relate. It was an acquired taste for me too, and having grown up on a farm in the Midwest, I am all too familiar with the term barnyard aroma.

Please keep reading. Redemptive qualities are still to come with health benefits in tow¦

As an aged and fermented tea, pu-erh can take on an earthy, rich flavor. If the aesthetics of pouring that first cup of tea appeal to you (as they do to me), the dark pu-erhs have a beautiful burnt sienna color. Coffee drinkers and coffee converts appreciate them for their bold character and taste.

Traditionally, pu-erhs were compressed into shapes of cakes, bowls, or bird’s nests to simplify shipping and storing purposes as traders traveled over routes from the Yunnan region of China. This method of preparation and storage continues today as the compressed tea improves with age.

Pu-erhs can be categorized even further by breaking them down into two groups – raw or cooked. Something akin to the classification of green or black tea, each variety of pu-erh falls somewhere on a scale of eleven different grades that are sometimes aged for decades. As moisture is introduced to the tea leaves, bacteria begins to grow and fermentation takes place. All of this enriches and changes the flavor of the steaming brewed beverage finally poured into your cup.

While many connoisseurs of pu-erh appreciate it for its age and varied notes of flavor that emerge at different times of the process, others consume and enjoy it for the health benefits. The bacteria in this tea is similar to that of yogurt cultures and it is believed that pu-erhs aid in lowering cholesterol and in preventing cholesterol from forming in the arteries. Still others consume the beverage testifying to the fact that it aids in digestion and in metabolism. All great claims, but as always, we encourage you to experience new tastes, but drink what you like.

Pu-erhs are definitely an experience not to be missed.

Your Barista,


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