Discovering Japanese Teas

The theme of our recent Open House was “Tastes of Japan.”  We had a great time with the dancers, the students visitng from Shizuoka, our traditional tea ceremony and, of course, our new Japanese teas that we introduced at the event.

One of our events was a focused tasting of Japanese teas.  Our attendees included some of our regular customers, and some of Japanese descent who were excited to find their favorite teas in Mid-America.

One of the Japanese gentelmen attending asked if Japanese were popular in our stores.  He enjoyed them and was wondering how Americans take to these teas. 

It has been our experience that the Japanese teas seem to be a little more of an acquired taste for many.  As a general rule newer tea drinkers do not have a point of reference for the disctinctive grassy and ‘seaweedy’ aromas.  Some who have been exposed to Japanese teas in resturants have been served lower quality teas not well prepared.

We usually suggest a sampler of our Sencha Shin Ryuko, or even just Genmaicha or Hojicha as a starting point.  Properly prepared, the delights of quality Japanese teas often become included in their favorites.

I guess that it is not such a bad thing that not everyone is drinking these, as it leaves a little more for the rest of us!   ( I say this as I sip on a Gyokuro)


Chief Leaf

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