Tea for Writers

Many of our fellow tea lovers would also fall into the category of creative-types. This time around, we are singling out the writers of the group. Whether you’re into creative writing, letter writing, or research paper writing, these two things go hand in hand for very good reason. Pour yourself a cup of Dragon Well and read on!

Creative Boosts in Your Cup

Cup of TeaThe simple act of sitting down to a pot of tea is an invitation to clear your mind and relax. This is the perfect place for the creative juices to start rolling, and there is more in your cup to help that process.

Tea naturally contains several compounds that stimulate thought and boost the creative process. Caffeine, for one, can stimulate the central nervous system and fight off drowsiness. Tea also contains a substance called L-theanine which causes a kind of alert relaxation whilst supposedly improving general cognitive function at the same time. Both of these working together can greatly increase your focus as you stare at that blinking cursor on the screen, waiting for the words to come¦

Creative Boosts on the Side

Would you like a scone with your pot of tea? Some days you could use a little something sweet to go with your tea. And some days the thoughts just don’t start rolling out onto the computer screen. Writing prompts can be a good way to break through writer’s block. They can also be a part of a healthy writing routine that keeps you writing at least a little bit every day.

Even those of us who love to write have days when we just don’t want to. Stir in a spoon of sugar to that tea and check out a few writing games and gizmos. Whatever you do, keep drinking tea and keep writing. As Margaret Atwood says, “Reading and writing, like everything else, improve with practice.”

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