Love and Marriage… and Tea

Many a good conversation has started over a hot cup of something comforting. Tea is a major catalyst all over the world. Some of my strongest friendships have started right here with steam billowing up between us as we talked of deeper things. I’ve served many a couple, whether in the early stages of dating or already married and taking time away from busy lives to talk. I’ve even had the pleasure of watching a customer pursue and finally win the heart of a co-worker. They are still together… still drinking tea.

A couple of friends will say their marriage vows tomorrow, and (I hope they won’t mind my reference to them), but tea shops are a great place to meet someone.

Both avid coffee drinkers, tea was in the margins of their lives. In fact, their first date was over a cup of coffee. She came in for tea the day after their date and told me about him. Surprised that I knew him as a friend, I told her what I knew of his character. Their first line of communication was over the Internet (Wi-Fi is also available here and at most cafes), but had they spent more drinking tea here at our shop, I would have gladly introduced them and watched their relationship unfurl like the leaves in their teapot.

Well, fate and faith had its way, and the two are tying the knot tomorrow. Coffee still vies for first place when it comes to caffeine, but for the record, I am giving them tea for their wedding gift. A gift given with the hope that their relationship will grow and flourish as they take time not only for espresso shots to be packed and poured for their morning dose, but for the afternoon and into evening hours when they can talk while their tea steeps.

Congratulations, you two! Keep up the good conversation 🙂

Your Barista,


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