Earl Grey and Old Friends

Among so many new and interesting blends, this old classic tends to gather a bit more dust on the shelf than the others. I like to keep the place looking tidy, but while dusting this week, a touch of tenderness tugged at my heart for this tea. It was clear the canister hadn’t been touched or pulled off the shelf as much as the others.  


Earl Grey was of the first teas I tasted when the world of tea began to tempt my palette. It was during a long train ride across Russia, a new acquaintance that would soon become a great friend packed her own stash of a months worth (at least) of bags of Earl Grey. The Russian railroad cars were generous enough to provide an endless flow of hot water from steaming samovars at the front of the car. We unpacked our teacups and she pulled out her tea. Thousands of miles from home, the familiar taste of this classic blend comforted these two misplaced Midwest gals and became a catalyst for conversation.

I can’t remember the last time I sipped at a cup of Earl Grey, but that memory far away and long ago, it wasn’t until another friend came in to the shop and decided to try it that I realized it was time to let the aroma and the smooth tangy taste of the black tea blended with oil of bergamot take me back to that fond memory.

Funny how particular tastes and smells can do that for us.

I just sent that friend from the train ride years ago a text message and hope that she will read this and remember that time with fondness too. I am sure we will revisit all kinds of other memories of that trip over a phone call, but first I’ve got to get my fresh pot of Earl Grey brewing for inspiration!

Tea is such a great way to make memories and to rekindle them.

Your Barista,


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Katie, I just discovered your blog! I have to agree that Earl Grey is a classic, memorable to me because it was for a long time the only flavored tea I was aware of after the typical black tea found in tea bags. That was before I discovered the variety of fresh loose leaf teas! Back then, it brought the opportunity to try something different. With so many other choices available today, it doesn’t have such a strong hold on me, but the aroma of bergamot still sharpens my sense that something different, even exotic may be available for sampling.

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