It’s that season where it seems like you and everyone you know is feeling under the weather. Discover how these herbal teas may give your body and mind the boost you need!
Peppermint Tea
According to WebMD, peppermint has been used for centuries to treat nausea. Try mint tea next time you have an upset stomach and see how it may come to your rescue!
Licorice Root
Licorice is considered to be the James Bond of fighting off viral ailments such as bronchitis and the common cold. Although there is no real cure to the common cold, this “James Bond” root may come in handy when needing to fight the big bad cold!
Sip a calming cup of this chamomile infusion when you are having trouble sleeping. It can act like a sedative and has strong anti-anxiety qualities, which should help you rest your head at night.
Rooibos is high in Vitamin C and renowned for its antioxidant properties. As an added bonus, rooibos is credited with helping ward off signs of aging. I’m sold!
Ginger is said to aid digestion, and like peppermint, is believed to help soothe feelings of nausea and upset stomach. Buy fresh ginger at your local grocery store, peel, slice thinly and simmer in boiling water 8-10 minutes.
So what are you waiting for? Give them a try and leave a comment below with your results! Click on the links for recommended teas and infusions.