Theanine in Tea May Help Students Focus

Back to school reminders are everywhere these days. From the sales at every store, to Facebook photos of kids on the first day of school, you can’t escape the season’s change. We’ve mentioned before that tea is a great habit to get into to boost brain power and creativity, but it’s worth hearing again. It doesn’t matter whether you like white, green, black or oolong teas, they will all help you focus.

How does it work?

L-Theanine is the key. This natural component found in tea leaves has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve cognition and cognitive performance. It has also been tested as a mood booster. It is especially effective when combined with caffeine “ another component of tea. This compound can be found in supplemental vitamins, but why not get it naturally? Besides, we can help you find a flavor you will love when it’s time to hit the books.

Encourage Good Habits
Teacup with infuser

Know anyone headed off to college this time of year? Tea would make a tasty parting gift and could help a student focus. Not sure what kind of tea your college friend would like? Get a gift card and direct them to our website to explore on their own. We can ship anywhere, including college campuses across the nation.

Grab a cup the next time you need to get away and get some work done. We hope you notice a difference. We certainly do!

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