Shop the Farmer’s Market

You’ve heard the phrase “shop local.” There is no easier time to live out this mantra than right now while fresh flowers, produce and all sorts this other surprises are carted in to your local farmer’s market once a week. If you like the adventure of finding the reddest strawberries, the most crisp rhubarb, or the brightest salad greens, then Saturday mornings at the farmer’smarket are where you want to be.

Where to Find Tea

Of course, not all of the tastes you savor can be grown locally, especially when it comes to satisfying your craving for the perfect cup of tea to carry with you as you shop. Tea thrives most in growing conditions that are hard to find anywhere in the US. It requires high elevations and a steady warm climate, making countries like India and some areas in China and Japan prime growing locations. For that, we do our best to bring in a selection of Organic and Fair Trade teas.

What to Buy Local

But we also encourage you to shop local for items you can find. Sometimes that means buying items you may have never seen before, much less cooked. It means employing all of your senses as you browse the market vendor booths and decide what to eat this week. A variety of herbs, flowers or berries, grown locally, can enhance your cup of tea. Some ingredients can be brewed right up with your tea leaves or enjoyed on the side. Fold berries or herbs into a basic scone recipe or cook them up into jams. Find a few new recipes, like this Blackberry and Peach Buttermilk Cobbler, and be adventuresome as you shop.

If you shop the Omaha Farmer’s Market, stop in to our downtown location for tea. What will you try this year?


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