Caffeine: Friend or Foe?

Caffeine is a perfectly natural component in over 60 different plants. It can be our very best friend for late-night conversations or cramming sessions. It’s a morning ritual, a staple for breakfast, an invitation to heart-felt conversations with a friend, and so much more. Where does it fit into your lifestyle?

Effects of Caffeine

It’s an indisputable fact that caffeine changes the way our bodies and brains function. It can cause your heart rate to increase, jitteriness, dehydration or sleeplessness. But studies have shown that the caffeine in tea affects us differently than the caffeine found in coffee or soda. Instead of making you jittery, it makes you more focused and relaxed. Believe it? Grab a cup and keep reading.

But Tea is Different

Tea contains a lower dose of caffeine as well as a high dose of L-threonine. L-threonine is an amino acid that is associated with increased attention and mental relaxation. As a result tea is capable of making you more alert as well as calming you down and helping you focus. Seems like the perfect combination to start your workday! It’s also the best way to take an afternoon break and spur you on until it’s time to punch the clock.


Of course there are precautions to take with caffeine for women who are pregnant or hope to be. Talk to your doctor if this fits you, but typically, drinking caffeinated beverages in moderation is recommended. If caffeine free is still the best fit for you, check out our selection of herbal brews.

Read more about caffeine and see how it breaks down in your favorite drinks. If you typically go for coffee, try one of our black tea recommendations instead. See how you feel.


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