Recipes To Enjoy The Health Benefits Of Matcha

Grown in the shade, Matcha tea retains a beautiful green color along with an incredible amount of nutrients, including antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, and chlorophyll. It is said that Matcha can calm your mind, boost energy and metabolism, detoxify, and help prevent heart disease.
Matcha Latte

Traditional Matcha Latte
Bring 1.5 cups unsweetened milk of your choice (almond, cashew, coconut or hemp milk are great) to a bare simmer in a small pot over medium-high heat. Optional: melt one teaspoon coconut oil or butter in the milk. Turn the heat off.
Add one teaspoon Matcha to a mug and slowly whisk in 2 teaspoons heated milk (use regular whisk or a special bamboo Matcha whisk) to form a paste. Add the rest of the warm, tipping cup slightly to help create foam. Sweeten with maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar to taste. You can also use an electric milk frother for a nice foamy texture.

Cold Matcha Green Tea
A cold Matcha green tea is by far the most refreshing ways to drink Matcha and this is great for when you’re on the go. Depending on the size of your water bottle you’ll need to use either half a teaspoon or 1 teaspoon of Matcha to mix in with the water. Most water bottles/shakers are 500ml/17.5oz and so with this amount of water you’d need to use 1 teaspoon of matcha. If you find that’s too bitter you can of course use less.

Keep it simple by adding half a lemon chopped up into small chunks and a handful of mint leaves but you can experiment with lime and other fruits.

Basic Green Tea Smoothie

If you’re new to green tea smoothies, try this simple one first.

Ingredients: 1 cup Almond milk or coconut milk or cow’s milk, 5 Ice cubes, one banana and one teaspoon of Matcha tea.

Instructions: Slice the banana into one-inch pieces. Blend the banana pieces and ice cubes first. Add the milk and green tea powder to the blender and blend until smooth.

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